Breakfast At Tiffanys

Deep Blue Something

Dari soGun
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  kdksintyanm ~ " Haloo kaa, req lagunya for revenge-penyangkalan atau feast nina dong kak. Salamnya buat maha yg ngilang gatau kemana. Buat kaka penyiar jaga kesehatan yaa ujan2 musim sakit ?? "        aguscs7 ~ " kirim-kirim salam untuk rekan pejuang PPPK , semangat & sukses!! untuk pak erik , tante vera sering-sering kirim makanan ke PKA "        aiutrsta ~ " next bahas : 1. cowok mokondo 2. dijadikan pelampiasan/pelarian saja untuk mengisi kekosongan, manas2in mantannya trus kembali sama mantannya "        dharmaditya09 ~ " Titip salam buat kak usro yang lagi di jogja semangat trainingnya buat bisa cepat ke korea amin "        ajung.krisna84 ~ " Yuhuuuu stay tune di "        culturepekalongankab ~ " Dari Bidang Kebudayaan Dindikbud Kab. Pekalongan nih Kak... streaming radio seru dengan lagu keren2. salam hangat dan Penuh Cinta dari Pekalongan untuk semua saja yang sdg konsenin Guntur FM Bali. Terimakasih... request Lagunya WARNA yang SINARAN. "        denidinatha12 ~ " salam sama kak safa "        ayunitasw ~ " Hallo Nila... request lagu dong remember of today - pergi hilang dan lupakan... Salam yaaa untuk nila aja supaya semangat siarannya dan jangan lupa makan siang, maju selalu radio guntur "     

Breakfast At Tiffanys

Deep Blue Something

on a Radio Online Bali and one fine Radio Online Indonesia.

You'll say, we've got nothing in common
No common ground to start from
And we're falling apart
You'll say, the world has come between us
Our lives have come between us
Still I know you just don't care

And I said what about Breakfast at Tiffany's
She said I think I remember the film
And as I recall I think we both kind of liked it
And I said well that's the one thing we've got

I see you the only one who knew me
And now your eyes see through me
I guess I was wrong
So what now
It's plain to see we're over
And I hate when things are over
When so much is left undone

And I said what about Breakfast at Tiffany's
She said I think I remember the film
And as I recall I think we both kind of liked it
And I said well that's the one thing we've got

You'll say, that we've got nothing in common
No common ground to start from
And we're falling apart
You'll say the world has come between us
Our lives have come between us
Still I know you just don't care
And, as I recall, I think, we both kind of liked it, "
And I said, "Well that's, the one thing we got."

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