Broken Sytem
Winnie The Blues
Dari soGun
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Broken Sytem
Winnie The Blues
on a Radio Online Bali and one fine Radio Online Indonesia.
Do you have some guts ?
To fight for your freedom
Those people are nuts
Ooo, what you gonna do, baby ?
Broken system
What you gonna do with this
Broken system
Seeing fat cats from your TV
Hypocritical so fishy
Making you dance in the palm
Of their hands
So do you have some guts ?
To fight for your freedom
Those people are nuts
Ooo, what you gonna do, baby ?
Broken system
What you gonna do with this
Broken system
Ooo ooo
Broken system
What you gonna do with this
Broken system
Broken system
What you gonna do with this
Broken system
Ooo ooo
Broken system
What you gonna do with this
Broken system
Ooo ooo ooo...
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